Najlepsza firma fotowoltaiczna w Warszawie
Zwycięzca rankingu Gazety Wyborczej 2020
Drugie miejsce w rankingu Wirtualnej Polski 2021
We are a team of experts with 18 years of experience in photovoltaic industry. Our main product are tailored photovoltaic installations. We are distinguished by attention to detail choosing only the best materials and technologies available on the market. Each client receives an installation tailored to his needs. As a consulting company, we help in choosing the right technology, always offering several product options. We are professionals in the energy industry, we like what we do, that’s why we do it well. The result of our work is always „Tailored installation”.
Our offer is addressed to households and agricultural enterprises, as well as micro and medium-sized enterprises. We offer only proven solutions from the highest positions (TOP 10) in the world ranking of photovoltaic panels, published annually by Bloomberg. We provide guarantees of 12-25 years for the panel and up to 25 years for their productivity. We are a unique engineering and consulting company on the energy efficiency market. If you think it is high time to use cheap and ecological energy, please contact us. We will help you go through all the required stages, so that you can finally create a ready-made photovoltaic installation tailored specifically to your needs.
View our client’s electricity bill after the installation of the photovoltaic system!